Superior Solar Panel Roof Tiles
Photovoltaic terracotta Barrel tiles and Roof Tiles

Barrel Roof Tiles
Terracotta barrel roof tiles - an eye-catching, traditional Italian roof

About Barrel Roof Tiles
From Italy, the land of barrel roof tiles
Technologies and production methods are new, ideas are innovative to improve performance, but the barrel tile’s heart remains unchanged: Possagno clay and age-old lore.
The synthesis of these features are translated into total reliability. Barrel tiles are created to endure all kinds of temperature and weather conditions, combined with charming and elegant appearance.
Notable here is the wide range of choice :
Barrel tile Winter Bent tile Antique Tradition Line, barrel tile Plus Line, barrel tile Natural Tradition Line. Four collections to offer a full range of styles. Choose the one that best expresses the style of your home.
Marseille Roof Tiles
The Classic look of a roof tile that has been in use for hundreds of years.

Portuguese and Classic Marseille
New technologies and innovative tile production methods combine to continue a long tradition in building and roofing technologies. The classic Marseille format continues the value of experience, revisited & complemented from a modern viewpoint.
Superior Plain Tiles

Superior Plain Tile
Superior Plain Tiles are natural, authentic European plain clay tile. As a glazed or natural terracotta tile, they hold their natural colour for life.
Superior Plain Tiles are often seen as smaller feature roofs at the front of the house, with a classic Marseille tile in the background covering the rest of the roof. In addition, they are often used to cover turrets, adding extra beauty and style as feature items complementing the main roof.
Mediterranean Roof Tiles
Classic Tiles that capture the style of European roofing

Canal Languedocienne

Canalavérou 40

Romane Evolution